Find Un-linked Brand Mentions

A woman's hands touch broken glass.

If your company has been successful at building a strong brand name within its industry then it is likely that many publishers have mentioned your brand in the past. These types of brand mentions can be helpful for SEO because it establishes authority and authenticity within the algorithms. These brand mentions can also provide a natural conduit for link building. In many cases brand mentions come in the form of a backlink back to the brand’s website.

However in some instances a publisher may mention a brand name without linking to the brand’s website. This may be happening for your brand as well.

These un-linked brand mentions can be an easy way to acquire links to your website. In this article we will show you how to discover un-linked brand mentions across the internet and how to perform outreach in order to get these mentions linked to your website.

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Recover Lost BackLinks To Your Website

Getting links to point to your website can be an extremely difficult task. That’s why before you start the hard work of getting NEW links you should first make sure that you are currently getting the most out all of the existing links pointing to your website.

One of the most overlooked aspects of link building is ensuring that all of your existing links pointing to your website are passing value on to the rest of the site.

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